Thursday, February 25, 2016

Warren Brook in Upton/Grafton- continuous sites

I have been delayed in blogging for a strange reason, which is that I cannot make any sense out how the map matches some of my recollection. I spend most days wrestling with fitting together the logical details of a piece of software and, faced with a similar problem at home, my reaction is: I don't need this!. In the end I think the map must be wrong because somewhere on the way up Westboro Street and turning left of North Str, is a brook flowing actively downhill to the west. Maybe right across from the 'Bradish Cem"? But no matter, there were rock piles there when I first drove along these roads and, ever since, I have been wanting to go back and explore more carefully - in the triangle of woods between Mechanic Str and North Str in Upton. 

I parked at the north tip of the triangle, setpped into the woods and started seeing things at 'A'. In most places the brook has stone walls on either side of it. Sometimes hugging the brook, sometimes fifty yards back. For example, at the tip, stepping across the wall over to the brook, here is a little niche with a circle of stones in front of it:
 The brook is 15 feet behind the pile.

A few steps later, a messy structure with an impressive quartz boulder:
Nope, that is not snow.
A few steps further downstream, a trail crosses the all and you follow it and see rock piles on left and right. There are about 6 of them, more or less evenly spaced, in a line parallel with the wall, parallel with the brook. Here is the path. There are piles to left and right:
For example, looking back upstream:
The are a bit rectangular. Some have quartz:

At this point I starting thinking I was seeing things on the other (west) side of the brook at 'B' and went over to take a look. There were several messy knoll-top piles. We saw a video the other day. Hard to photo. Here is one try:
There were several similar messy knoll-top things over there, nearer to mechanic street, which I will not try to show. They are hard to photo. Back on the east side again where the two brooks meet below 'B', piles along the brook like this:
Really not too interesting to look at but the non-stop continuity of the overall site is worthwhile. 
Here is what an 'alignment' looks like over in there:
Meanwhile, on the east side of the brook a wall, perhaps 40 yards back, suddenly acquired a huge spilled over bulge.
Then at 'D' was a very fine example of one these knoll-top piles. With this one you can see some structure.
I hope frequent readers will recognize this - a classic rectangle with a hollow. 

I'll write about 'E', 'F', and 'G' later.

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