Thursday, November 10, 2016

Something new at Codman Hill - Harvard, MA

I mean the hill east of Murray Lane in Harvard and it is covered with rock piles. Bruce MacAlleer found it. Last weekend, I took a short hike with my wife to follow the southernmost contour of this hill. In one ravine, I found something new:
a little closer
and more
From above, it looks totally collapsed:
In light of its situation: at a first level above a tributary to Beaver Brook, it fits well within the broader pattern of such rectangular piles in these watersheds. 
The pile is in two pieces and reminds me a bit of the "J" at Blood Hill (on a less grand scale). A more pertinent comparison, is with a pile less than a mile away at a different place in Harvard [click here.].
How lucky am I to live in an area where these things are all over the place? And nobody even sees them!

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for posting this. It motivated me to write Dave whom I have not been in contact with since we were together on Brink Hill 5 years ago.
    As someone with a focus of geomancy it does not appear that the stone mounds are aligned with any aspects of Mother Earth. But I need to see the stones first hand to get a definitive conclusion.
    Hi Tor is special place,and needs to be preserved and protected. I hope that I can find some time to do something about this
    Glad to see Dave raising awareness about this.madis senner
