Friday, March 03, 2017

Video on Track Rock Gap

via "People of One Fire"

As far as my spot checking could tell, it is mostly about old white guys talking, I suppose there are some pictures in between.


  1. Great Video, Thanks For the Share! This reminds me of so many New England sites. In particular, and perhaps because it's my home turf, the stone ruins of Track Rock Gap GA. reminds me of the Great Hill in Milford, MA., particularly the slope of the hill above Rte. 85 and Rte.495 exit northbound. In Milford I have noted the use of terracing up the hillside, and of course there are stone walls and cairns as well, as well as propped boulders, Standing Stones, effigies in the rock, etc. These high points seem to be between the middle world (the earth) and the sky world, at least that is my sense here in the Northeast. It is a shame that the Industrial Quarrying industry has taken such a toll on the hills in Milford, MA., but I am surprised how much of the ancient cultural remains there still is as well-- as a matter of fact the Great Hill in Milford could give Track Rock Gap in GA. a run for it's money IMO.

  2. I may watch it again - with the sound off next time. Very similar to New England, like Matt says. One spot, there's a Manitou Stone next to a stone mound but they are oblivious to it - like the many snake and turtle effigies they walk right by...

  3. The older man with silver hair in the video seems to know local Indian lore that could be more relevant than going to all the trouble of importing Maya People.

  4. Another video ramble:

  5. I just watched the video. Where to start? I'll just note the following points:

    1. I'm familiar with the stone piles and walls shown in the video. Apparently, they didn't notice that the site they were on is not the one shown in Thornton's drawing. Doesn't matter, because Thornton's drawing is not accurate anyway.
    2. They stated that the petroforms are from the Archaic Period. They have been dated to the late Woodland.
    3. To my knowledge, Mr. Thornton is not an archaeologist. He claims to be an architect.
    4. To my knowledge, the Forest Service has never denied anyone access to the site, nor is it their policy.
    5. Track Rock is not a traditional Cherokee 'sacred area.' The Cherokee were in North Georgia for less than 50 years.
    6. They are shown walking on petroforms. That's very amateur, damaging, and disrespectful.
    7. The 'myth' quoted near the end of the video is just that.
    8. Last, but not least, they give directions to the site. In Georgia, where there is a long history of damaging petroforms, for various reasons, that will eventually be the worst thing they did. See my previous post of January 29th, 2017 under "The logic of publicizing rock pile sites."

    It's late. I'm going to bed.
