Thursday, September 14, 2017

West of Lovell Reservoir Fitchburg

The whole shoulder there, looking out east over the open space of the reservoir is worth the walk. I re-visted an old mound group and found another. Maybe around the 'L' of Lovell or near the end of that dashed line on the map. To find the re-visited site, get up to the edge of the steep part of the ridge and follow the stone wall north until you get to this pile:
(sorry about the light). This is a bulge in the wall but it has a distinct depression in the center and a couple pieces of quartz next to each other. I remember there was a pile up hill a few steps and the last time, when I went to look at that pile there was another larger mound visible in the bushes forty feet or so away. I could not see it now and would never have gone to look for it. Even knowing they were there it took me a while to locate the three mounds I remember.

Another, really covered in bushes:

 Nice piece of creamy quartzite.

Then finally the smallest, which is the one I remembered seeing first, in the past:

A wonderful little mound.

I don't need to try too hard to classify this mound group. Is is part of the continuum of such mounds along Falulah Brook from the Hospital to Ashby Rd West. [And it is nice to know there are still plenty of backyards along there that I have not had a chance to sneak into yet.]
I walked north to the feeder brook, then back south, through the first site and on southward toward my car. A short stretch of wall in there:
I remembered one little curious bit of stone wall corner and puddle, not too far from the first group. And I did see it on the way north. But heading back south I came to some others. Wait a minute! What is this?

And where was this?Another wall bulge with a hollow:

We still haven't gotten to the second mound group. I'll post about it separately.

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