Sunday, October 08, 2017

A message from Lisa McLoughlin - from NEARA

(Via Peter Anick):
At the last moment I’ve decided to try to fund Doug Harris visiting and speaking at as many towns as possible. The purpose is two-fold: 1) to give a public educational talk about Indigenous Ceremonial Stone Landscape; 2) to start the education process with historical commissions that might want to start working with the Tribes to create memorandums of understanding to protect their ceremonial stone features. If a talk is funded, I will be sure to specifically invite the historical commission.

I’m looking for people willing to be a point person in their town for a Local Cultural Council grant to bring Doug there to speak. It has to come from a resident of the town, and they’d need to collect a letter from an appropriate venue to submit with the application.

If anyone is up to this short-turn-around-time challenge, please let me know. The deadline for the grant is just over a week from now: October 15th at the latest. Since the grant is written, the main issue is getting a letter from your local library or other free venue that says they’d host the event for free and are ADA accessible.

I’ve attached the grant application, the instructions for how to submit, and a (required) letter from Doug Harris as the speaker. The point person would add the Venue letter, some information of theirs on the application, and submit all by October 15th at the latest.

Thanks for any distribution you can make of this to MA NEARA folk. Looking forward to seeing you at the conference.
