Saturday, May 25, 2019

Pennsylvania "Stonehenge"

via email:


  1. Against my better judgement about joining a group with a pseudo science click-bait dog whistle sort of name, I requested membership so I can see better what they are all about and view the photos

  2. Tim. Let us know what you learn about this site: location especially. If Civil War related, it must be near Gettysburg.

  3. Norm, the guys seems anxious to talk to people about the site.

  4. Norman (et al): there's multiple rock piles, some standing stones, a good number of rows of stones, some intimated to have water flowing under them. They claim to have a film crew and a TV show contract and to be consulting with the "Seneca Nations" (their spelling) and unnamed experts from NY. I recommended Curtiss' book to them...

  5. I'm bothered by the multiple references to cut stone. Maybe in the ancient Middle East, Egypt, and the Mediterranean countries we find cut stone, but not here in the Northeast before 1600. We need to slow down and examine this site more carefully, beginning with a careful search of the historical record, including deeds.

  6. The site is now a public group. So far I don't see anything more than conjecture to back any claims. Take a look for your self and you might see what I mean...
