Saturday, August 08, 2020

Stone sites around the world

Link from Norman Muller:


  1. Mr. Strider once, after an email conversation about how the "stone linings of New England" should indeed be studied if they were constructed as he claimed "before the Ice Age," gave me permission to use his photos, as long as I referred people to his site and credited the photos to Stone Strider. He revoked this permission in May 2020 via a FaceBook message, added to this post that formerly used one of his photos (scroll to Addendum 5/2020:

  2. "Note: The Heath Altar is one of the best kept Celtic secrets I’ve seen to date, and it’s in Western Massachusetts, of all places...These woods have inspired tales and fables from the ancient tribes like the Mohegan and Wampanog, who inhabited this region while the Celts and Picti inhabited Ireland, England, and Scotland. One of the most amazing commonalities between New England and Celtic places are the hilltop alters such as the haunting Heath Altar Stones..."

  3. My thought was: wait till this guy actually sees something. Maybe he will be impressed.

  4. I forwarded the website because of the photos, many of which are well done, and not because of what Stonestrider states about the origin of the stonework, such as that in Heath, MA. His views about a Celtic origin for the Heath standing stones is nonsense.

  5. Someone let me know that Mr. Strider has "altered" (edited/updated) his "Heath Alter Stones" webpage.
    He now claims a "Megalithic Culture" built it, along with others around the world: "Celtic Native Tribes did not build the Megalithic Altars in Europe, just as the Native American Tribes did not build the megaliths in America. There was an earlier Culture, with specific memes, logos, and cultural morays, that can be related through directly connecting the blatant symbolism, and coding, of the construct of the megaliths...The Heath Altar was built by the Megalithic Culture, the first culture on Earth...Everything about this place says Megalithic, not Colonial farmer’s “pet project”, which is what many writers and researchers would also have people attributing credit to. In the United States, the idea of colonials having possibly built these megaliths is often mentioned. It is infuriating, and totally irresponsible. Nothing about this area says ‘colonial’, or Native American, for that matter..."
