Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Old rock pile site in eastern Canton

 I drove north to Boston along Rt 24 and saw some interesting looking rocky woods next to the highway around exit #20, so on the way back south I planned to exit there. Before the exit, heading south, I saw a different bit of rocky woods, so I switched my plan, exited, took the access road, and parked behind an empty Xerox building. 

I walked up and around the outcrops, impatient to see rock piles. After perhaps 5 minutes, "There they are!"

These visible piles, drew attention to a bit of uneven ground that, on inspection was all old, leaf-covered piles:

Thinking about it later, I wish I had tried to photograph the low linear structure that runs along the back in these last two pictures. Here is more uneven ground:
Note the moss covered rocks on the pile in the foreground. Maybe the air is particularly wet in this place, near a brook, but the pile looks old to me. Note also the stonework in the outcrop behind.

There were a few dozen pile scattered around several acres. They are not easy to see and it is easy to believe they have been overlooked:     

I should have payed more attention to the brook that was flowing bye at the foot of these outcrops. It might have been headed west. towards "Pequit Brook" and the Nemaskett River. Otherwise it was headed east into a network of swamps and marshes - so it is a little hard to determine which watershed the site was in. It felt old to me, especially the low-down linear structures I ignored at the beginning.

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