Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Isolated rock stack from Dartmouth MA

Reader Robert asks if anyone can identify this rock pile. It is isolated and located at the Star of the Sea Reserve in Dartmouth, MA. Specifically, at 41.5909° N / 70.9667° W


  1. Is that a possible manitou stone on the left side of the cairn, less than half way up?
    It looks like the cairn has been added to over time.

  2. Yup. I see that. I also see that it is at a spring.

  3. This might be that stone mason whose name I can't recall - he was taking stuff apart and building very tall stacks on existing stacks. I recall a vicious Face Book Blood Sport Style altercation he started once a few years back...

  4. The person sending this photo added that there is a second "shelf" on the right side of the pile. It is possible the manitou stone was moved from one shelf to the other. Since we are speculating, this pile might be a directional signpost.
