Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Land Protectors Win One for Nayyag - Ancient Native Site Rescued

 Nohham Cachat-Schilling writes:

W8li Nogdgisg8adt8onk Nitompaog (Good-Meeting My Friends)

W8li Acim8, Wunne Achimu, Good News: MassDOT has cancelled its plans for a roundabout that would have destroyed the legacy of an ancient ancestral Indigenous village with unique artifacts.

Thank You Land Protectors and Equal Preservationists, Your strong opposition is cited as a basis for this change.

Those of us who were bad-mouthed for standing up are now honored by the legacy of our Ancestors.  This is a great first step in equal historic preservation for Massachusetts.  We can now being to real plan for equal historic preservation in Massachusetts.

"NORTHAMPTON — The state has cancelled its plans to build a traffic roundabout at North King and Hatfield streets on what’s also the site of a 10,000-year-old 'undisturbed ancient village.'"

Early on, we were attacked for standing up and criticized for calling the site a village, but obviously, this interpretation is now accepted and our stand is validated.  They said "no Native Americans are concerned, " but we showed that Natives and diverse Americans care very much.  Thanks to the Skibiski family, River Valley Co-Op, Aquinnah Wampanoag Cultural Resources Office, Nolumbeka, Mark, Rochelle, Anthony, Tyler, Don, Peter, Rob, Mary Lou, Gia, Christopher, Jose, Leah, Kenneth, Eric, Eileen, Amy, Adele, Alex, Sarah, Wayne, Martin, Chris, all 55,000+ people who signed the petition on behalf of justice in historic preservation, and everyone who supported. 

“MassDOT has determined that the best next step is to terminate the current construction contract and undertake a re-evaluation of the project design. The re-evaluation option is responsive to the nature of the public comments received, which asked MassDOT to consider alternatives that avoided the location of the archaeological site,” the notice said. “This re-evaluation will take public opposition into account as a key evaluation criterion for all design alternatives considered.”

We can now offer the pedestrian overpass alternative, a chance for a cultural space, and neighborhood improvement.  Several people suggested a pedestrian overpass and traffic control light alternative at the DOT comment meeting.  

w8liw8sse nitompaog (good work my friends),

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Finally, Native Americans get some respect. Nayyag's Early Archaic site is as much as 10,000 years old or older. Sen. Comerford and Rep. Sabadosa did the wrong thing and attacked Native descendants while opposing racial equity in historic preservation. For once, though, things turned out right. That's because 80 of our friends showed up at the meeting and spoke for justice. The Colonizers tried to pit Native people against each other, but it failed this time.
