Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Those "hobbit" fossils from Flores

 [Not rock pile related]

Discovery of "hobbit" fossils suggests tiny humans roamed Indonesian islands 700,000 years ago - CBS News

This article shows that the small hominid fossils from the Isle of Flores in the Pacific, were not examples of "island dwarfism", as they have now found more fossils, even older than the original find, and the older fossils are of a smaller species.

Let's take a moment to consider the implications. The first is that this is a branch of the human tree the split off the main "trunk" before Homo Erectus. That means earlier species were able to make the voyage. That means world-wide distribution much earlier than believed.

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Thanks for posting this important discovery, even though not rock pile related.
