Monday, May 07, 2012

Arrowhead on a rainy evening

Last week I spent some evenings after work out searching for arrowheads. The wet and cloudy weather we have been having has created great conditions for this- bright overcast skies and wet dirt make small artifacts easier to spot. Friday during the day it was raining and did not seem ideal for searching but as it happened, it didn't really rain much at all while I was out and though I heard some thunder, the rain held off and I was actually able to put in some time looking, more than two hours. Shortly after I arrived I found a broken quartz triangular arrowhead but then I searched fruitlessly for a long time, picking up hundreds of rocks but not finding any tools. It was humid and I was sweating, a reminder that summer is not far away. I found this as I was heading back toward the car, on the way out. It has a nick on the edge but was still a great find that I will treasure.

1 comment :

  1. Beautiful piece of quartz and too bad about this nick. You have quite a collection of these quartz triangles.
