Monday, May 07, 2012

Rocky Pond Brook - Hollis NH

The red dot is about where the short wall and boulder were (see here). At about the location of the red "?" there were rock piles, well holes, what looked like foundation holes, and some mounds. Not sure what to make of such a site.

At first, you are looking down along the brook, with scattered rock piles:Some badly damaged piles, and then a well opening:
Some kind of foundation hole:And what is this little ring of stones?
Later I saw other such rings and a more standard 18th century [???] foundation hole. So I don't know what to make of the place. There were some distinctly mound-like structures:And some inexplicable shaped clusters of rock:If you look closely, there is some real shape here:But it is not part of a pattern I know, so let's chalk it up to unexplained colonial usages. But this sure doesn't look practical:

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Some stone rings I've come across near old farmsteads, I concluded to be rock gardens. The one you showed however, may be a grave. I've also come across cairns mixed with headstones, though only rarely.
