Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Fool's Day Walk, Sometimes Hat-less

Above: Coyote Kill Site?
Below: Split Filled Boulder

That serpentine shape above could be the similar shape that shows in the 1934 aerial below:
Another larger split filled boulder:
"Dramatic" Cobbles on a fin of outcrop:
A second deer skull, as found:


  1. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10151405845864862&type=1

  2. I want to comment about the last picture: A lot of skulls appear on rock piles. I am starting to think it is not natural because it is pretty common and I don;t see why a critter would to drag the skull up there to chew on.
    We found 10 point buck skull - twice at one site in Bolton, MA and I found a pig skull at a site in Tyngsborough. Mention that I have found very few other skulls anywhere else; so the count of skulss from rock pile sites is quite high.

  3. sorry about typos
