Thursday, April 04, 2013

Potuck Creek - Greene County NY

Reader Jame Lord writes :
I believe this is one of several sites investigated long ago. I found a reference on line that quotes "along both sides of Potuck Creek"...I would like to learn more.

 [Please comment]

Added by PWAX: I looked online for the reference and see there is a possibility the structures have a mixed history:


  1. Lots of mysterious looking things! There is a big rock in several photos that would be called a "Manitou" stone. I am not used to the geology of flat rocks and the look of structures made from them.

    BUT: A quick Google search turns up a postcard that might show relatively modern stonework. So I think this might be recent.

  2. I had to see on Google just where Potuck Creek is: south of Albany and on the edge of the Catskills. This site is fascinating, with all the obvious manmade stonework along the creek along with that obviously worked manitou stone, which appears in three images. Something of this sort needs to be studied in greater detail, and a map produced to help figure out what is going on.
