Thursday, May 24, 2018

More along "south" Justice Brook

That's what I am calling the brook I walked up to A along. After that I headed south-ish and got lost again even with sunlight. It is a big hill is my only excuse.
Anyway, in a random traverse I found two different sites. One near the old road, the other near the pipeline. Not sure where. It gives you an idea how common these sites must be. At least in certain areas.
So what was interesting is that the two sites were completely different from each other, even though both had essentially the same nth stage, knocked-down, ground piles. At the first site we are looking at triangular piles made from mid sized stones and others made from lines of large stones. At the second site we are looking at circular ground piles made from smaller stones. They look quite different but I am afraid the pictures may not show it.
The first site:
A triangular pile like the ones from nearby (8th and 9th pictures here)
And several unintelligible piles, and some ones made of lines of larger stones:

From the second site a low circular pile made of small stones [sorry it is so invisible]:
I think this is a different one:
What can you make of this in the dappled light? 

I may be wrong and both sites come from a similar period. But it truly seems the second site is older. A different time, a different place, a different thought. Then check out this video from a fifty yards uphill:

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