Sunday, May 13, 2018

Today's plan

It is elaborate enough, I thought it might be interesting to look at the places I hope to visit during today's hike. I have been scratching at areas around Keyes and Justice Brooks. Today I hope to get back to the main site I found two weeks ago (far right and uphill, in this fragment):
My instincts are to find the folds in the land, and the knolls overlooking where brooks meet. Wish me luck. I trick myself out of the house with promises of donuts and relaxation. I'll start at the far left in East Princeton, where there is a playground I can park at.
Update: Starting at the upper left and going clockwise, I found things at the 2nd and 4th red outline. After that, I got lost.

1 comment :

  1. Curtiss Hoffman6:34 PM

    Peter -
    What kinds of "things", and how many of them?

