Friday, May 11, 2018

Top of the water example - West Sterling

Just a note. This spot, a bit of a saddle, is the kind of place one should always explore when looking for rock pile sites. Here is about as minimal an example you are likely to see:
So I was passing that spot, and found three rock piles in a row:

While I am mentioning it, about underneath the cross-hair on the map, was a big wall bulge. Getting there is quite a slog, believe me:
In case you are interested in old mills, the one down by the river in East Princeton is well worth a visit, or perhaps a picnic and a dip on a summer day:
Just don't get swept away


  1. Curtiss Hoffman11:42 AM

    Technically, these sites are in Princeton, not Sterling!

  2. You are right. The brook that defines the boundary.
