Saturday, August 21, 2021

Gansett Sites

 Went for a walk in Woods Hole (up Mast Rd) and saw a small piece of woods with a rock above the surface:

There's got to be some rock piles up in there  - I thought. As it turns out, every low bump you see in the above or below pictures is a rock pile (eg at the foot of the tree above). That's what rock piles look like most of the time around here - not large monumental cairns. 
I have now found small sites at several points along the edge of the Golf Course. We can suspect that the whole area was once rock piles. There are more, further east.


  1. Curtiss Hoffman9:54 PM

    Peter -
    Can you estimate how many piles were at each of these 3 sites?

  2. Left to right: 5, 5, 8

  3. Curtiss Hoffman8:00 AM


  4. Curtiss Hoffman11:20 AM

    There are now enough sites in the Quisset area to make a new site cluster! (MINIMUM 10)
