Monday, August 23, 2021

Two triangular arrowheads from southeastern Massachusetts

Here are a couple of finds from last year, that I hadn't posted. This triangular quartz arrowhead was easy to spot. I could see that it was damaged.

It is fairly well made, with nice edges and a symmetrical shape. It's missing the tip. I find many more damaged points, than whole ones. But any find is a good find for me.
This was not far away. The material looks interesting, and the part visible above the ground appeared undamaged.
But, this one is missing the tip too. I think the material is felsite.
Certainly better than going home empty-handed as I do so often (including the day on which I am writing this). These are very representative finds from this part of Massachusetts, in my opinion.

1 comment :

  1. They are particularly nice as a pair.
