Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
V-Shaped Piles - Revisiting the grid at Patch Hill Boxborough

I wanted to know if there was some viewing location for the "grid". Actually there seemed to be two distinct clusters of piles: one visible from a low knoll, the others visible from a messy central area:

The Mixing of Ceremonial Features with Agricultural Ones at Patch Hilll - Boxborough MA
- Relationships between piles and wall
- Enclosed remaindered land sections with rock pile grid
- Piles built as bulges and corners in the stone walls
There is a wall with an added on "crib" filled with smaller rocks which we think of as a colonial field clearing practice. This "crib" is substantial and limited to the part of the wall that goes over a slight bump:

The Patch Family were colonists who left England as religious dissenters. Might we suppose that they formed relationships with the Native Americans in an interaction that did not make it into the history books and writings of the clergymen? Or could we suppose they at least hired Indian laborers who adopted some European superstitions and played out the superstitions in some of the work they were doing? Or could we suppose that the Patch family did none of these things yet left stone structures in place that they found there; just as the bump the wall is going over might have been a mound that was left in place?
Near the corner of a different wall:

Friday, May 28, 2010
Peachtree Mound in NC and site complexity
Interesting comment about rectangular versus circular houses. And this:
"The largest mound at the Peachtree site was oval shaped and faced due south. It was about 25-30 feet high when new. Oval shaped mounds were typical of the Lamar Culture, which was directly ancestral to the modern day Creek Indians. Mounds built by the Kusa-Creeks of this cultural period were oval, but faced west. Such is the case of the nearby mound in the Nacoochee Valley. Okonee Creek mounds were pentagonal. Tamatli-Creek and Apalachee mounds did face south, but were extremely linear. Only the Kowite–Creeks (Mountain Lion People) of the area east of Franklin, NC and south of Asheville, were known to have built oval shaped mounds facing south. During the 1700s, the Kowete or Coweta in English also had many towns in the Colony of Georgia."
And one more little goody, in reference to a published history of the Cherokee that had them not building mounds: "... The project was simply an example of extremely sloppy and ethically questionable scholarship."
Such comments resonate.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Church Rock, Westminster, MA - round and oval mounds part 2
At "A", two views:

Church Rock, Westminster MA - round and oval mounds, part 1
A quick overview of the exploration: I planned to park on Bolton Rd at the edge of the "State Reservation" and sneak back across West Princeton Rd onto what looked like private property. But there were some rock piles near the road already at "A",

Here is the house foundation just next to West Princeton road at "A":

The fact that there are rock piles everywhere (out here in Westminster and more generally in Eastern MA) is really at odds with most peoples experience or lack of experience with this topic. It is stunning that these things are so common and, so invisible. It is as if you mention seeing crows everywhere to someone who says: "what is a crow" and denies ever seeing one. [Actually that is a reasonable analogy because most people are oblivious to common birds. Digressing completely: ornithology is not so different from rock pile hunting. It is mostly typology and amateurs. Except we do not have experts to dissect rock piles or study their genetics. Also bird watching has a large group of enthusiasts, publications, the Audubon Society, etc.]
That was location "A". Too bad there was no good place to park, I should have kept going downhill rather than just scratching the surface.
Other mounds a' comin'

Here is an example from Patch Hill in Boxborough:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Clear Lake/Wiccopee Rock Piles - From Rob Buchanan
I found the ruin but it was not clear if the original structure was a chamber. To me, the size, shape, entrance and the way that earth was piled on the side walls suggest that the ruin might have been a chamber.
About 200m N of the ruin there were two cairns marked on the map so I decided to look at them before heading back. The two cairns were actually part of a group of rock piles. I continued W from these cairns and came across more and more cairns. By the time I decided to leave I had found about 12 - 15 cairns in a 400m x 100m area situated in a saddle between a low hill to the SE and a high ridge/hill to the NW. The cairns showed a surprising variety in size and construction.
There were also a number of interesting stone walls in the area. The walls ran across the saddle and did not form any grids or enclosures.
There are three more cairns marked on the orienteering map (up the slope of the high ridge) so that I feel that there could be many more cairns in the area as it appears that only the most significant cairns were mapped.
Although the woods and bugs are thick, and it’s a hike to get there I think I'll go back to do some more exploring.