Cairns Uncovered: Documentary Explores Ancient Tlingit Rock
Scientists are
studying rock arrangements found atop some of Alaska’s southern
mountains for information about ancient Tlingit culture. Photo: Bill
“Parts of south Alaska’s inland, alpine landscape are dotted
with mounds of artificially stacked rocks that are closely tied to Tlingit
culture. These structures, known as rock cairns, are the focus of Cairns
Uncovered, a soon-to-be-released documentary that explores Tlingit
oral traditions surrounding the structures, as well as archaeological research
into their origins and purpose… We
really wanted to show the importance of these rock piles and what they are to
Tlingit culture and their story. The Tlingit passed on their culture through
stories and dance. Some of the stories about the beginning of their history
have to do with these rock piles. And we wanted to show that,” Stegen said. “We
also wanted to go up there and study and potentially date the cairns. So, it’s
also a very science-based documentary.”
Stone Foundations and Tent Platforms in NW Coast Archaeology:
Tlingit house with stone wall
foundation. “Photograph of a Taku village homes, photo likely by Partridge,
circa 1887. Village site was located on the mainland across from Douglas
Island, south of present-day Juneau”: SHI Archives, Richard Wood collection.
“In general, we may underestimate large scale constructions
in stone. Burial cairns and mounds (one
of Darcy’s consists of 18 dump-trucks worth of soil), rock wall defensive
sites, trench embankments, canoe runs, fish traps, and of course, clam gardens,
all involved massive deployments of stone, with associated labour investments
and creation of a durable built environment. Anyway, we’ve recently been
running into enigmatic rock structures on the central coast and Quadra Island, and
in particular, the possibility of dwelling structures partially based on stone
walls. So it’s quite cool to run across
the picture above from the SHI photo collections, showing a Taku Tlingit house
from the historic period, sitting on a platform which has a stone wall as a

For an archaeological example,
above is a picture of a rock wall which happened to be exposed in a tiny
rivulet. The wall itself is partially constructed of large stone tools,
which is cool in its own right. It continues out of frame to right and left,
but is not exposed in the same way. Behind the wall, a small test unit showed
the stone structure three courses deep, with a definite edge, and abundant
charcoal and lithics organized into thin strata like living surfaces.
Preliminary dating shows use around 1500 years ago. Anyway, it’s an example of
what we think may be a habitation structure of some kind built on a stone
foundation, perhaps even with low stone walls as a perimeter. You can see
numerous additional examples of similar walls in the pictures below, also from
the SHI archive…It’s also not just about can see rock platforms
built to support tents…The bottom picture shows a similar uppermost tidal rock
platform which contained abundant charcoal dated to, if memory serves, to about
4,000 years ago. This is from Duncan
McLaren’s Hakai Ancient Landscapes project which I get to volunteer on from
time to time.

So, stone: an under-appreciated construction material on the
NW Coast? If you have examples of unorthodox stone constructions then leave a
comment, or send me an email."