Saturday, September 14, 2024

Nolumbeka Project announcement

Marge Bruchac and Dan Shears in Turners Falls September 14. Click Here for Details 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Shadows on the Stone (Woodbridge CT)

 At Just the Right Moment

Are those marks made with the "stone/bone/horn/wooden Indigenous tools" from pre contact times, or were they made with post contact European steel stone masonry tools?

 I can answer that question very quickly: "I don't know."

Special thanks to Yehuda Jay Wolkoff for capturing the image and allowing me to use it here!

More here:

Friday, September 06, 2024

Mike Luoma's Video Series

Mike gave me shout-out in this video. 

Ancient Stone Mysteries of New England - Feature Focus: Nashoba Brook Stone Prayers in Acton, MA (

Much appreciated. Nashoba Brook is where we all cut out teeth on the subject.

Natick Powwow - Sept 28

[More from Dan Boudillion]

Dear Friends of the Nashobah Praying Indians,

We are happy to announce that the Praying Indians will be holding their annual Powwow in Natick on September 28 of this month. 

 Please see flyer, attached. We look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,

Dan Boudillion


Friends of the Nashobah Praying Indians