From a new spot. I believe that is carnelian and a point style called "Pinto". We were seeing little bits of this reddish rock, thinking: Wouldn't it be nice to find something made of this?
FYI: I have no desire to keep the locations of these finds secret. Contact me if you want to give it a try, next time you are in Vegas. I don't want to publish it for several obvious reasons. This Pinto point is "routine" for this part of the world. The blade from yesterday needs to be brought to someone's attention out here - as it is probably much older and in no way "routine". One component of the ethics of collecting is the value of discovery, in in breaking eggs to make an omelette.
It occurs to me and my son, that if you put in the hours (we were exploring for about7 hours yesterday) you may be able to find things anywhere. We don't know.