Friday, September 09, 2011

Cormier Woods Reservation - Uxbridge MA

The caretaker for the Cormier Woods Reservation, a property managed by the Trustees of Reservations, writes:

Here are a couple of photos in one area. After noticing the stone piles, I had done some research on-line and started to see patterns here on the property. Circles of stones, stones lined up in odd places, stone piles with quartz near center, cairn-like piles, etc. This is a very old farm and of course there are [also] farmer’s stone piles from clearing fields or marking boundaries. These other configurations have captured my imagination. We have a large glacial erratic boulder field on one part of a trail, and a very large ‘waymarker’ stone near the cellar holes of an early homestead on another part of the trail. [Looking at the trail map it looks like ideal topography for rock piles. - PWAX]


pwax said...

3rd picture: click too magnify and look at the stones immediately around the quartz piece. They form a spiral that circles outward from the quartz.

Tim MacSweeney said...

Is that third picture what you'd call a rock pile with a hollow?

pwax said...

Well maybe but not really. The pile has a depression but the pile outline is not rectangular, or well enough defined to compare with the piles I have been using the word "hollow" to describe. Also the ones I have been describing are always quite a lot larger than the pile in the photo.