Friday, August 31, 2012
Putting a shoe under every rock pile
I’m hoping you can help with a conundrum. For the last 30 years, I’ve been mining the old rock piles on my farm, abandoned around 1910, for building uses. Each pile we turn over inevitably contains an old leather shoe near the bottom of the pile. It’s always been a puzzlement, but today I found a shoe in a pile on another piece of property, and felt the need to finally put the question out there to someone who may have heard of this. I always assumed that it was some kind of ritual from the old country. The settlers here were largely from the British Isles, and moved into this area in the mid-1700’s after Prince Philip’s war had died down for some time. The deeds and surveys date from the original proprietors granted the land by the king. One can’t know for sure, but some of the piles are likely 250 years old. The oldest ones are invisible except to the practiced eye. I now take it for granted that a shoe will be under every one.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Visiting old sites
Going in from the south along the Spring Hill Rd trail, I took the side loop to look at the rock pile grid. I am proud of what has been done there, the piles are beautiful, mysterious, and their structured layout is intriguing, if you look at it. A quick picture,
It has been dry and I was thinking about cutting across the swamp to get to the site. So I gave it a try at the first opportunity. Well, the water wasn't the problem. It was the bullbriar/viburnum thicket in the middle that slowed me down. Sure it is fun getting scratched up and taking several seconds to work out each step but after five or so minutes it was over and I was back into ferns, and then rocks, and then rock piles.
How about this?
I walked around for 1/2 hour looking at things, trying to imagine I was seeing rock piles with hollows and then, as I swept back and forth in a more north easterly direction along this edge of the swamp, the character of things changed slightly and I was in an area of propped slabs:
Meanwhile, I noticed how flat the land surface was, how the setting sun would graze the entire area making infinitely long shadows and speculated about that as the underlying reason for these piles to be here and not some other where. I posted that video to try to show it.
It looked like that, the sun was setting, I realized suddenly...
Another Possible Condor
Monday, August 27, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
A collection of "effigy" rock piles - rock piles with a lot of symmetry
El Condor Pasa
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Of pipelines and rock pile excavations
Monday, August 20, 2012
Just a fire ring?
All three of these examples -this one, Tim's, and the old one, were next to water. At the time I found this "old" one, it occurred next to fine effigy of a fish, so I assumed the spiral was representing a snail - another local food supply at that spot. But that is just my fantasy and it does not fit what is going on in the other examples here.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Dakins Brook Picture
US Department of the Interior listening sessions on sacred sites
"To address tribal concerns regarding sacred sites issues, the US Department of the Interior will conduct listening sessions on sacred sites in general, as well as knowledge relating to specific sites on Interior-managed tribal trust and other federal lands. The Department will be better equipped to make decisions that are sensitive to the ceremonial use and physical integrity of sacred sites through the benefit of tribal input and views on such matters."
Full press release and more information at this link:
http://www.nativene wsnetwork. com/first- listening- session-on- sacred-sites- to-be-held- today.html
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The first place I went to yesterday was a sandy area by a river. Because the soil is sandy, a good storm can really change the appearance of the ground surface, in the places where it is visible. Unfortunately getting to these searchable patches requires wading through a sea of grass and tall plants. With each step, pollen swirled around me, it mixed with the sweat on my skin and became a gritty yellow sludge. My skin began to itch, my eyes were watering. After about 40 minutes I realized to my horror that something in that place was provoking a strong allergic reaction. I was sneezing, hives appeared on my arms, and my eyes started to swell up, it became hard to see. In a terrible state, I fled that place and met up with my friend Dave who wanted to search a different place that he had identified. Dave was alarmed by my appearance but we went and started looking in this place anyway. With swollen watery eyes, I could barely see anything and I had zero expectation of finding any artifact. Right away, Dave found a large broken midsection of a stemmed felsite projectile point that I would have walked right past. And minutes later, he found a very nice intact quartz triangle. After that we walked for a long while without finding anything. It was cloudy and conditions were good, as time passed I began to recover and was feeling better, though I still was not expecting that I was going to find anything. After some hours we came to the end of the area that was searchable and started heading back to the car, I was not really disappointed about going home empty-handed. As we were leaving I was stunned to suddenly notice this lying fully exposed on the sand waiting to be picked up:
That is just how I found it, it could not have been easier to spot. This is one of my very best finds ever, it is a Neville point, 7,000-8,000 years old. The very tip is gone but for the most part it is intact.
The material is beautiful, I think it is a type of felsite. I don't have any other tools made from this colorful striated stone. It is wafer thin, the workmanship is fantastic.
Here it is with Dave's finds from the same place. A very lucky day.
High Plains Bird Effigy

Trahlyta's Grave
Another view from
"The tradition was for each passerby to drop one stone on her grave for luck. Here’s the strange thing, if you take one of these stones away, bad luck will befall you. Each time someone has attempted to relocate the pile, someone dies..."
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Curious Stone Structure from Shutesbury MA
...I'm desperate to find out what this structure is, but we can't have all sorts of strangers just walking into someone else's private property, potentially disturbing this site. Which, may have already happened as my boss told me this structure once had a capstone on top, and there may be photos from decades ago which show that. I'm on the hunt to find some of those photos. Perhaps the flat stone on the ground in front of the opening of the stone structure was once that capstone?