An unusual occurrence in a greenhouse with three people injured, police track a bobcat into the woods, someone snapping this photo that seems to include a rock pile:
Link to news story video (I don't know how long it will be up):
This is about rock piles and stone mound sites in New England. A balance is needed between keeping them secret and making them public. Also arrowheads, stone tools and other surface archaeology.
Not so foolish to carry a weapon into the woods, is it? I've heard wolves and coyotes are creating hybrids in CT that stalk entire groups of people and are quite aggressive.
The worst threat is rabid animals and deer (moose!) in rut. Coyotes have not been reported as attacking people and this bob cat situation is pretty unusual.
I heard it had rabies.
This was a sick animal and a very unusual occurrence. I once had a bobcat close-encounter, turned a corner by a stream and there he was ust a few feet away but I raised my arms and yelled and he took off.
(Walking today, I came across a dead young raccoon with several porcupine needles in it's muzzle, dead from infection.)
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