Friday, April 20, 2018

Headwaters of Rocky Brook - Sterling MA

This is an area particularly rich in individual rock piles and small sites. I came back here thinking there were some "upper valleys" on the right hand side of the map fragment, where I had not been. This included parking on Upper North Row Rd, next to the old road, heading down the hill and exploring up the valley of the brook there - Rocky Brook and seeing what there was to see.
There is actually a site right next to the road and up behind one of the houses there. As I stepped into the woods I encountered the edges of that site. Looking back towards the road:
Piles made from quartz are rare around here. I only remember seeing one other (Blanchard Rd...somewhere). Continuing:
There is a good amount of quartz in the rock around there, so I found lots of quartz in the walls and piles. Here, a stray rock-on-rock:
And there is something interesting down next to the brook:
It took a while to process this. I was thinking it was a dam (see previously posted video) but actually you can see it is a road coming across from the upper left down to the brook. In this next picture you can see the road going down and across the brook.
Here is another view. I am afraid I never really captured a good sense of the shape of the thing:
The first thing I noticed coming up to it were the strategically placed chunks of quartz, but none show up in these photos. Also there is a distinct shape to the structure which I could not make sense of. It could be another one of those brook-side mounds I generalized about recently (at the end of this post). 
One thought was that the structure was part of a mill and the 'road' was actually a millrace. But no, it goes off next to a pile of smaller rocks, and remains a road:
Seen from the brook, there is a pile with colored quartz:
It is easy, at this time of year, to see faint hints of trail on the ground. It can give you hints of where the foot traffic was. In this previous photo, I see a bit of trail from down to the colored quartz from the pile of small rocks above. Closeup, a pretty rock:
Here is a view of the large structure from above - (the colored rock pile is to the left, and there are chunks of quartz in fore- and back-ground.
Note the short stretch of wall to the upper right (again, here:)
Again, there are hints of trails, showing us how people may have moved around these structures. And there is a reasonably clear association of trails and old roads with this palce. Someone interested in surveying should go have a close look at this. 

In the woods nearby (south of the brook):
And other examples of quartz:
As I say, it is an area full of small features. Like this one from lower down the same brook, a place of gurgling water:
A couple other things worth showing - a "corner bulge"
 And a rock on rock with some parallelism between the rock shapes.
Would you want to make something of this?


Tim MacSweeney said...

Did you get to the source of the stream??

Tim MacSweeney said...

"Upper North Row Rd" - Row of???

pwax said...

Yeah road names are strange in Stirling. A place where the granny's have tatoos and every farmstand sells goat cheese.

pwax said...

I did not get to the source, probably should have. There was a house in the way - if that is any excuse.