Friday, March 09, 2007

More on Nipsachuck - the North Smithfield RI site threatened by development

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This is from "The Call" in an article by staff writer Joseph P. Nadeau entitled "Sekonke Wampanoag chief visits stone site." Thanks Bruce McA. for the link.

I want to make some comments.
  • Note that the Sekonke Wampanoags are not clear about what the stone piles are. Nor do they appear to be aware of the large number of sites in all parts of New England.
  • Note that every expectation should be that archeologists dismisses the stone piles, in spite of "feelings" that they are Native American. Meli, on the other hand, can be expected to be aware of some of the work done, and being done, on rock piles.
  • Note the hypothesis that these are graves. From the sounds of it, they are more likely memorial piles than graves. Unfortunately, who will make an alternate hypothesis?
  • Note another important King Phillip's War battle site is called "King Phillip's Woods" in Sudbury - has many rock piles including large numbers of rock-on-rock which are obviously not graves.
  • Note numerous statements from Indians about this probably being a burial area.
I am happy to see that rock piles are moving more to the "frontal cortex" of both European and Indian awareness about New England's historic past. I hope that pretty soon, say in five or ten years, it is going to be much more common knowledge.

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