This is about rock piles and stone mound sites in New England. A balance is needed between keeping them secret and making them public. Also arrowheads, stone tools and other surface archaeology.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Rocky Pond Community Forest in Northborough MA
I parked and walked in along a gully towards the pond which was, I think south or southwest. In the snow I could easily scan a number of rocks as I went in and I did soon see a rock-on-rock, and then several more, to my right on the western side of the gully. They are pretty in the snow. At all times I am wondering if my legs will carry me further without tiring. But they held up. My eye was led upwards several times to the right. Here is one example of rock-on-rocks leading the eye upwards: When I got to the pond I saw this: I turned around and came back via the other side and then the first side of the gully. Again my eyes were drawn upwards:And this time I went up to look above and found other rock-on-rocks and this: And a last rock-on-rock: From first to last these rock-on-rocks and minor piles are scattered over one part of the hillside stretching from the higher shoulder down into the gully. The only reason I can imagine for this particular restricted location on the western slope of the gully is that there is a particular angle of view down the gully (perhaps to the northeast?) that is available only from this angle.
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