Attached are two images that I think represent a lignham and a yoni.
The first (0399) seems to show a phallus (stone row) and scrotum (boulders). This structure is in the Stillwater area of Fahnestock State Park NY.
The second (0007) seems to represent a yoni.
This is the same filled split boulder described in the below article by Norman Muller. The image is taken from the top of a high sharp spur immediately west of the split boulder. This structure is in the Wiccopee area of Putnam County NY.
There were a number of split filled boulders at Fahnestock, but I don't recall the one just posted.
This is the same split boulder that is pictured in Figs. 12 & 13 of your article. It's appearance is much different when viewed from above.
There was a split boulder much like that second one at a site near Oley Hills that Frank [I'm drawing a blank on his last name, although we knew him well) took Don Repsher and me to some years ago. Very similar in shape, because I remember I said yoni and someone else said deer hoof.
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