This is about rock piles and stone mound sites in New England. A balance is needed between keeping them secret and making them public. Also arrowheads, stone tools and other surface archaeology.
Friday, July 28, 2006
An Amiable Amble with FFC
FFC wanted to show me some things in the woods that were hard to photograph. What we saw was a variety of modified rocks, broken, flaked, moved around. We discussed how you learn to recognize these kinds of modifications and how they become especially interesting when you see them near water, or boulders, or where there is a view.We came across a split-wedged rock we saw years ago on a walk with our boys. Don't know there that photo went but here is the feature today: As we rounded up our walk we came to a place where there was a small vernal pond crosed by a stone wall, with a knoll to the northwest of it and I said: if I was going to expect a rock pile anywhere it would be on top of that knoll. And he said: there are some rock piles up there. Sure enough there were maybe three. One nice example, a little mound in the hay-scented ferns. In the background is a stone wall and beyond that to the southeast is the vernal pond.
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