Monday, October 16, 2006

Miner Farm, Hopkington RI - Miniature Chambers over a spring.

Right uphill to the east of the Miner Farm is an area with springs and water breaking out from the ground. The whole slope faces southwest over the open space of the farm and Tomaquog Brook. It is an area of several acres of pepper bush and small trees, with numerous clusters of small simple rock piles - especially rock-on-rock but also short rows of rocks which sometimes seemed to be pointing somwhere and and sometimes seemed to be simply connecting features like a spring and a large boulder.Here is a picture of Bob Miner, the owner. His grandfather noticed these things and always wondered about them.
He especially wondered about several miniature stone chambers (first reported here by Norman Muller) perhaps big enough for a single person. There were three of them as well as a "U" of similar dimensions. These little chambers face south west and Bruce said one faced directly towards the winter solstice sunset. Here is the third, video'ed:

There was also a more familiar structure: a stone U facing east or northeast.
In addition to these enclosures and U's and short rows of stones, there were some interesting shapes which I'll put in the next post.In addition there were a number of effigy-like rock and rock piles, as I'll describe next.

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