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French Street - a roadside attraction and more
I was coming home disappointed from Drake Hill and driving east on Rt 113, just before French Street in Dunstable when glancing into the woods to the left (north) I thought I saw a rock pile in the bushes. I know this is adjacent to a conservation land; so I made the turn, parked on French Street, and walked back around the corner and into the woods. Unfortunately my camera has been acting up and auto focus was not working for some of the pictures. Here is what I saw from the road:
When I went to investigate beyond this pile there was something next to an outcrop:
I thought it was a rock pile coming out of a trench or break in the underlying bedrock. Actually, after a gap, the pile continues as a short stretch of wall (behind the tree) and stops a few feet later in the wetland.
So I continued into the woods following the edge of the wet area. What is this?
Certainly a legitimate rock pile. Looks pretty old. And another few steps and...ta da!
To me, this looks like a rectangular pile with a hint of a hollow, you can see one corner, suggested by this sketch.
Another view of this pile:
In this case, the hollow is towards the viewer and to the left. Here we are looking out and can imagine the view from this place. Today, it is in the suburbs:
It was hard to get a good grasp of the overall shape of this mound because it had a tree growing out of it. Here is a last view, with stone wall behind. It is a non-trivial structure.
Something a little like this:
I explored these woods before, around and behind the cemetery there. But I did not turn in the right direction to bring me to the location of this site.
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