I walked down here from the access roads to the left and walked just a little further, just a little further, till I had to check out the rocky bump across the wetland and under the pine trees. And I found what seemed an isolated rock pile.

This is about rock piles and stone mound sites in New England. A balance is needed between keeping them secret and making them public. Also arrowheads, stone tools and other surface archaeology.
I come across these rings here and there also, and I wonder who would of built a fire in some of these odd locations as I find them. Who would have been in the woods at such a locations etc.? It always makes me think. Some locations are just really a boring place to camp or cook a lunch etc. I just can't picture a boy scout troop in the 1950's (or before) camping at some of these places I find. A camp ring would also be very large. some rings I find are very small?
I look for charcoal or signs of the rocks being heated. Without either, I start being suspicious it is not a fire place.
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