Reader Russ, found a pile you can see from the highway. He writes:Large pile on RT2 east at mile marker 109 in Harvard just before the 110/111 exit. You seem to be out that way frequently. Easily seen from the high way. Best accessed off Old Shirley Road about ¼ mile up on the right. Coincidentally the Harvard conservation map shows a tiny bit of shading very close to the location? The pile is anchored by a large stone and is about 25 – 30 feet long. Looks good framed in snow.

Also:There seems to be a hollow or depression on the south west side, as you approach from the road. It is located near a small stream. There was also quite a bit of marsh surrounding the stream. Very frozen last Saturday making things easier. Culverts have been added with the construction of the road but the stream runs past roughly north / south on the east side of the pile. Seems logical with the grade that it runs three and a half seasons and likely forever.
I looked for other smaller piles without success. Quick peeks from the street suggest that behind the private homes on the same side of the street there may be more. The back yards are filled with granite. Possibly the source of the pile stone?
I have attached the link to the Harvard conservation land if you look closely this piece is quite close to a couple of very small non-designated shaded areas. Has the pile been quietly protected? appears to be a new trail behind the private property. The entrance is right at the spot where the west bound exit from RT2 wraps right around the corner onto 111. There is a clear orange arrow posted on a tree beside it. There is no place to park and I am at present unclear if it is public or private. It would be worth a peek if accessible.
[PWAX: I blogged about this pile a few years back here.]