Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A note and some photos from Norman Muller

I just looked at the Moosehorn Rd. pictures, and most of the platform cairns look pretty broken down. There must be sections with carefully laid up walls, however, for you to call them platform cairns.
On private land in Brooklyn, CT, is one very spectacular platform cairn, beautifully constructed and the largest I have ever seen, measuring some 45+ feet long on one side, and 7' tall. It has collapsed along one side, but it is very impressive even in its partially ruinous condition. This cairn is in a somewhat swampy area, and there are colonial walls nearby. At the same site are two very attractive platform cairns beside a beautiful stream, and I am attaching a photo of one of them.


pwax said...

Yes those are truly beautiful piles. The Moosehorn Rd ones were broken down by comparison but I think 45' long by 7' high is about the same dimensions as the largest pile at Moosehorn. There were six or seven somewhat smaller platforms, and numerous smaller piles. In some places there was some vandalism and in other places the retaining wall was still present.

Geophile said...

I like that top one. It has a characteristic that always catches my eye and that I've seen in other rock piles/cairns--a big round or unusually-shaped rock on the side of the pile that's otherwise made up of rocks of similar shapes. Another of those things that make me wonder--might this have a purpose or mean anything?

pwax said...

Geophile: Can you post some examples? It would help understand your observation.