I went back out to this site yesterday to see the sunset. Last year, my suspicion was that the sun would set over that cairn on the spring equinox. I was wrong and, based on what I saw on March 21, 2008, I suspected March 1st as the date. Here's how it looked yesterday:

But I'm posting additional photos of this site because I found something new. Here's that cairn with the "pointer stone":

And this is what I found, in the cairn, behind that large stone that is leaning upright against the cairn (if you click on the photo above, you can see it, but here's a close up):

That wood definitely does not serve any "fence rail" purpose. So, why is it there?
And another cairn also had a small piece of wood in it.

Although the wood lacks the "fence rail" look, it is above something like a hole, or niche, in the cairn:

Both pieces of wood are on the north side of the cairns.
Here is a look at both cairns together, the one with the very small piece of wood in the far background and the large stone leaning against the cairn (the wood behind the leaning stone) is in the foreground: