This is a short report of a small four sided enclosure in the woods in Lincoln Mass.

Here is a better view of the seat, or perhaps it is a shelf:

Something else you notice is that when two people sit, one on each side, the second seat is a foot or so lower than the first one. Then, when you stand up from the second lower seat, it is loose and rocks slightly - producing a knocking sound.
At this point I figured we had seen most of what there was to see, but thought it worthwhile to take a look at the outside of the wall. One rock (just out of view on top of the enclosure wall, to the right in the second photo) had a rather prominent set of scratches on it like an embellished letter 'A'.. Since none of the other rocks were scratched this way I take it that this is a deliberate glyph. Here is a photo.This is not at all the way plow scratches look. These lines are curved, superficial, and abraded. I think these kinds of lines are produced by drawing on one rock with another.
At this point, the lady I was with did something I wouldn't think to do. She started searching through the debris in the cracks between the rocks forming the enclosure. To my surprise she immediately pulled out a small amulet or charm stone (called "fishing weights" in New England Archeology).

It is made of a cream colored crystalline material, with black veins. It is not very fancy, but appears to be a genuine artifact.
On the one hand this little enclosure may have no more complicated meaning than to enclose a stray cow. But at the other extreme it may be a ceremonial enclosure with a very specific set of activitiies associated to it. These could include two people sitting across from each other, the person on the lower seat causing a knocking sound when they stand, sunrise sunlight entering in through the small window, a ritual offering in the form of stone amulet, and something else having to do with a glpyh on the enclosure wall. This enclosure sits at the head of a small dell between two ridges. The outcrops along one ridge have veins of rusty orange quartz. Small deep hollows along one vein suggested that it was pecked at to remove the material. These features, including the enclosure at the top of the dell, are all part of a lovely place in the woods, worth noticing in detail, whatever meaning or use it may have had.
1 comment :
Mention that this is between Sandy Pond and Rt 2.
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