by JimPOn the edge of the Rockville Management Area along an old woods lane sits the remains of an early 18th century farmsite. There are many typically colonial features such as a dry stone foundation with tumbled center chimney and hearthstones (likely built prior to the 1750's) dry stone cellar holes from outbuildings, and stone walls that create typical livestock pastures.
Old maps indicate that the farm was no longer officially occupied by the early-1800's. It appears at around that time the farmsite and its elaborate stoneworks may have been converted for Indian ceremonial uses. In the immediate area of the foundation lies dozens of ground piles, supported piles, and various other features. There is evidence that the site may be used even today.
Here's a look at some of the piles:

There are many piles with pieces of quartz in them. Some are single quartz piles such as this one:

And this one:

Other piles have multiple pieces of quartz like this one:

I found myself suspicious of the quartz in these piles. I got the feeling that they might have been newer additions to these piles.
Also around this old foundation are several split-filled boulders. Here's just one of the many:

As well as other interesting features such as this small enclosure attached to a glacial erratic:

There were many other exciting features on this site -- I couldn't possibly post all the photos. And there was one very odd and surprising find. I'll post that and more in Part Two.