Friday, February 03, 2006

Small items by the highway

Friday night heading home early, I thought I would explore a little along Rt 495 and did not find much but a little is better than nothing. Also, the themes are recurring from place to place, over and over. I think one of the points of this blog is to bring you the latest recurring pattern, and keep doing it until it both becomes boring and becomes second nature. It is the best way to show the consistency of the structures across the landscape. My primary argument that these piles are Native American is that, because they show the same construction concepts over and over again, they must be the product of a culture which preserved and disseminated those concepts. This culture lived or lives all over Middlesex County. But it ain't European culture. So what else could it be but Native American? It is a process of elimination argument.Here is a little structure behind a Holiday Inn and only a few yards from Rt 495. And here below is a little pile next to a brook which is about to go through a culvert underneath Rt 495.There was some farming type activity near this place and I am not sure if this pile is farming related. On the other hand it is well placed next to a brook to be a ceremonial rock pile.

As I walked along, it was warm, near 60 in early February, and the mist was coming off of the snow. At one spot a small seasonal brook passed through a stone wall and right adjacent to that was a split-wedged rock. A very typical example of a pattern that occurs everywhere across the countryside.I hope we will find a a few more things this weekend.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I like your site. I live in MN and will be checking out Todd County this summer.