037 - effigy head - appears to be fashioned after a skull, with intentional scoring on left face and "eyes" and "nose" added

This is about rock piles and stone mound sites in New England. A balance is needed between keeping them secret and making them public. Also arrowheads, stone tools and other surface archaeology.
All over New England there were bounding rocks. With these the Indians sent messages, by a code, for miles. These were huge rocks, hollowed out underneath so they would send a sound when flat stones were moved on them. Today some people call them cup and saucer rocks.Anytime you have a chance to read anything by Princess Red Wing don't miss out. I also recommend everyone head down to the Tomaquag Indian Memorial Museum in Exeter, RI where you are invited to sit and listen to their extensive collection of recordings by Princess Red Wing telling the stories that she had recounted so many times to thousands upon thousands of schoolchildren all over New England.
The park spans the borders of
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SAVE this date: On Sunday afternoon, JUNE 24, George Krusen will show us a sacred site and the Boxborough Esker.
From the Providence Journal - but behind their firewall, I was only able to read a snippet online:
"The simplest thing would be to just pile them up, ideally on a big rock that would have been difficult to move. Those settlers who were careful would have ..."
Here the comment is that it sounds like someone is theorizing about what would be "ideal". An authority? Wish I could read the article.