This is about rock piles and stone mound sites in New England. A balance is needed between keeping them secret and making them public. Also arrowheads, stone tools and other surface archaeology.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Strolling on Patch Hill in Boxborough, MA
Saturday my son's soccer game was at the playing fields in Boxborough on Liberty Square Rd behind which is the Patch Hill Conservation Land. I may have written about Patch Hill before. It is a hill with numerous rock piles, some ceremonial and some bordering on "agrarian". The place is a puzzle. But aside from that, Saturday I walked off into the woods during the game and up the hill, and thought I would go over to the northern facing shoulder and look around for any traces of a "marker pile" site. Sure enough there were three or four piles, totally damaged but still recognizable as piles:Also up there was this interesting shaped rock with quartz. Hard to imagine this going un-noticed by whoever was moving rocks around up on this hilltop.On my way back down to the playing fields, I stopped to photo a favorite rock pile, built into a stone wall:
Love that boulder!
the rock formation 2nd from the last is shaped like a turtle. This is familiar sign with the Lenape tribe or turtle clan throughout the northeast.
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