Friday, September 30, 2022

Stemmed Point (broken) from Woods Hole

A nice material, a bit of almost pure feldspar, from the "pink" granite we have around here. It is actually a single feldspar crystal. I found three broken bases on Ram Island today of different materials. This was the nicest.

(Sorry about the background blues lesson)


Curt Hoffman said...

I'm not certain that this is granite or feldspar - it's too translucent. It may be a very fine-grained quartzite. This material sometimes interbeds with granite - at least in Westboro.

pwax said...

A Google search for "feldspar crystal" shows a few examples. They vary from clear to opaque. For example "orthoclase feldspar" and "K-feldspar" are close matches and the latter is a component of the granite common in this area.