Monday, July 06, 2009

Mound used for fill for a Sam's Club

So it goes.
Update: Is there anything this blog could do to help protect against this?
Ah! I have an idea, I'll post the names of the bad guys. Who knows, perhaps a Google searcher will be drawn here because of it. The article, from the includes:

Oxford Mayor Leon Smith and City Project Manager Fred Denney said it was used to send smoke signals...."

It seems Mayor Leon Smith and City Project Manager Fred Denney are the bad guys. It is hard to see how what they are doing is good for the people in general.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Too bad there isn't someone to make it into a profitable venture as leave it in place... If the modern Italians did this sort of thing there wouldn't be anything left of Ancient Rome for tourist to marvel at today. The pagan Gods knows we all need another Sam’s Club!