Thursday, March 02, 2023

Maybe the Nevada Desert is like the Sahara

Saharan 'carpet of tools' is earliest known man-made landscape (

These lucky fellows got the chance to count stone tool debitage and found an average of 75 modified fragments per square meter. I think that quantity could be matched pretty easily in some places in Nevada.

This lucky guy (me) didn't count flakes but each little piece of black rock here is a bit of chert from the nearby small hill:

I did not look carefully until I sat down to talk on the phone. And while I am on the subject, can you imagine spotting a small arrowhead made of the same material - in this cacophony!

1 comment :

pwax said...

Note, I did not think about putting my hands on the ground. This bad habit got me in trouble in another spot where there were a few cactii.