Saturday, April 22, 2006

Back to Moosehorn Rd

Bruce and I are going on a follow-up road trip, back to the great site we found near Moosehorn Rd. in New Salem, MA. Actually it turned out the be at the origin of "Manning Brook". So today we are going back to explore down along the brook a bit, up to the nearby hilltops and, generally, in the neighborhood of the site we found. The theory is that the eastern hill, constituting the eastern horizon from the site, might have some horizon markers - points of reference visible from the site. Also there are a couple of small ponds along the brook and nearby that I want to walk around. Let's go look for rock piles!

On a more serious note, we found this site with multiple large platform piles - suggested complex and organized use. But for what? Since this region is pretty undisturbed we hope there will be other structures and features connected to the site. So think of this as an experiment in understanding platform pile sites. We'll see if anything comes out of it besides more pictures.

1 comment :

pwax said...

To follow up: In fact it was a bit of a disappointment. The eastern horizon hill (Harris Hill) was surprisingly difficult to climb and surprisingly empty of signs of ceremonialism. It is fun to imagine I missed what was there cuz I was so busy being out of breath.