Monday, December 08, 2008

Stone chamber - Sharon MA

Via a reader:
The following are some recent photos in Sharon, Mass that I have taken.
They are posted on my photoblog, Beeps and Chirps.

Visit the blog BeepsAndChirps [Click here]


Anonymous said...

The bottom two pictures are rock formation that look exactly like ones I knew from my youth growing up in Sharon . I lived on North Main st and would often cross the street and cut through the yards of friends . After crossing a field I would walk into the woods and cross several small bridges and come out at an area that had those two rocks . I often think of gowing back there to take a walk .I think the field is now developed so I am not sure if the access is still there .

bob said...

The bottom two pictures are rock formation that look exactly like ones I knew from my youth growing up in Sharon . I lived on North Main st and would often cross the street and cut through the yards of friends . After crossing a field I would walk into the woods and cross several small bridges and come out at an area that had those two rocks . I often think of gowing back there to take a walk .I think the field is now developed so I am not sure if the access is still there .