Friday, December 31, 2010
Stone tool from Greene county NY
Attached is a rock that I found on my property last fall...This rock was found around an area that we call a knapping station on our property. I reside in Greene county NY [near the] Athens NY Paleo Flint Mine. My question is could this rock be a point? You can see where flaking was done.

A Snake's Tale about a Niche
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Large stone "arrowhead" from southeastern MA
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Niche in Washington, MA

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Stone niche - in context
Odd Stuff - other curious shaped rocks
About six years ago, I had a tour of Track Rock Gap in Georgia. On the east slope of the Gap, opposite where the petroglyphs are (from which the Gap got its name) are a number of terrace walls and cairns, and on top of one wall, partially obscured by briars and brush, I found a stone “foot,” fashioned or weathered from a pink colored stone. Carey Waldrip, who showed me the site, had not noticed this before. I was reminded of this when I saw your blog and the curiously shaped anvil stone that was just posted. Certainly the Indians were intrigued by such oddly shaped stones, and probably set them in various places for others to see and venerate.
Split wedged rock - in context
Interesting rock from Acton
Here's an interesting rock for ya.
have replaced it.
The base is about 12" x 12".
The height is about 12"
The center 'column', which is shaped like the profile of an airplane wing,
must have been carved out by running water.
Next to this stone wall there is a trench, and on the other side of the
trench there are a couple 6 foot high ledges or mounds of buried rock, with
a smaller rocks piled on top.
It looks like this rock came from an underground cavern, and it might have
come from those 2 mounds (assuming there's a small cavern in there), or it
might have been carried and placed here.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Rocky Hill Rd - Groton MA

Groton is in the category of town that "almost always disappoints", yet my recent experiences in southern NH led me to think it would be worth following a "edge of water" exploration strategy over in one of the rock parts of town. In the past I found a few traces on the walk up to Horse Hill from Rocky Hill Rd, and coming home I was driving slowly looking out the car window:
On the other side of the road there was one more pile in the "cluster". This one is also a bit rectangular, with some symmetry about the larger rock (which looks fire-cracked).
And just for reference, I frequently find something like a buried stone wall at these "Wachusett Tradition" sites. Something even older and more beaten down than the rest. There was one of those here as well.
Spring Pond Woods - Salem MA
There are some proppped boulders in the "Photos".
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Scene from Mt Elam
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Have been sick - sorry no posting
Monday, December 13, 2010
Stone Seat
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Shelton Stone Mound Complex, 1CA637, Calhoun County, Alabama
Attached is the notice of a stone mound site in Alabama that the Archaeological Conservancy purchased ,

[T]his is a significant development, as this represents, I believe, the first time that a ceremonial stone mound site has been recognized and preserved by the Archaeological Conservancy.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Stevens Hill - Stow MA

Crude Stone Knife - stemmed like a Stark Point

Clearly the ancients did not always have good stone tool knapping material available. Here, instead, they used a slate/basaltic cobble from the local glacial till. But you have to really know what you are doing to get a working edge from such low grade material. Here are views of the edges: