Sunday, January 14, 2024

Mystery Dots in the Desert -Coyote Spring, NV

If I told you these white "dots" are man-made, would you believe me? They look like a source of infinite, interesting speculation. [Click in to magnify] 

Those dots are found everywhere in Nevada, especially associated to hunting (in my opinion). But probably serving in other roles as well. They are very clearly defined here. One notes the variety of sizes. One notes they are missing from the left side of the picture.

I am mystified why no one has commented on them - although I would not know how to look up "white desert spot". If I learned that all those alignments I see with white dots, was just a random geology or biology, it would be disappointing. 

Update: In fact the uniformity and lack of clustering cannot be random. One could estimate the minimum distance between adjacent dots of a given dot diameter. The spacing seems proportional to the dot diameter and limited to multiples of a single basic unit.

BUT: Plants could grow in a way that keeps them separated. 

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